Leave No Trace Apparel

At Arms of Andes, we take pride in innovating and pushing the boundaries. We created a completely biodegradable fabric, as well as the first 100% biodegradable outdoor clothes, that LEAVE NO TRACE at the end of their lifespan.

Biodegradable Details

  • Alpaca wool is a natural fiber and is renewable, recyclable & biodegradable.
  • Our Natural Colors Line uses natural cotton stitching and labels, which are biodegradable too.
  • The zips and bands are not 100% natural, but we're working on it!

Natural Colors*

  • Other than black, navy and lilac, our colors are 100% natural.
  • White is undyed alpaca wool, while our blue, turquoise, red and grey dyes are extracted from plants and insects.
  • Our naturally dyed fabrics have no synthetic components so they don't contaminate when they biodegrade!

What Makes Our Natural Colors Line So Sustainable?

Infographic showing sustainable production of biodegradable clothing

Our naturally dyed shirts, beanies & neck gaiters have no synthetic components: they LEAVE NO TRACE when they biodegrade!

The Natural Colors We're Using

white alpaca next to natural white alpaca wool fabric


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Natural White

(Alpaca Color)

There are 22 natural colors of alpaca wool, and white is one of them. We don't dye our natural white garments, so if you buy them, you'll be wearing alpaca wool just like alpacas do!

Eucalyptus leaves next to silver and charcoal alpaca wool fabrics


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Natural Greys

(Silver & Charcoal)

Eucalyptus originated in Australia but loves the Peruvian Andes as much as we do! You might know it's good for soothing a cold, but it makes great dyes too. All parts of eucalyptus contain pigments, producing a wide variety of colors  

cochineal scale insects on a prickly pear cactus pad next to natural red alpaca wool fabric


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Natural Red

(Crimson to Scarlet)

Cochineal scale insects are bugs that live on cactus plants and have been used for dyeing textiles for at least 1,500 years, by civilizations throughout Latin America. It is prized for being the most vibrant colorant available in nature.  

indigo plant next to natural blue and turquoise alpaca wool fabrics


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Natural Blues

(Blue & Turquoise)

The oldest known textile (6,000 years old) dyed with Indigofera Tinctoria was found in Peru. When mixed with Schinus Molle, a tree native to the Andes, the color changes from indigo blue to turquoise! Natural indigo is also anti-bacterial, for added freshness.

* Natural colors can bleed a little, so we recommend using with dark clothing & equipment, especially the garments are new, but they won't harm your skin or the environment. Garments in our Natural Colors Line are hand-dyed, so the exact shade of your item is totally unique. Natural dyes may show some unevenness in coloring, but this is how nature works. We choose natural colors as they biodegrade without leaching toxic compunds into the environment.


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