


Read our latest news and features, discussing everything from the properties of alpaca wool, to gear lists for hiking and traveling; from ideas about living more sustainably, to information about traveling and hiking in Peru. Browse our articles or use the search button to find what you're looking for.

Alpaca Wool: Keeping You and the Planet Cool This Summer

Not only is alpaca wool one of the most sustainable fabrics, it’s suitable for all-season wear (even summer!). From the way it feels and functions to the cooling relief it provides our planet, this fabric is making waves in the world of sustainable and ethical fashion.

What to Bring to the Amazon Rainforest

You’re planning a trip to Peru, and you want to pack just right for your whole adventure.  You will probably do some hiking in the Peruvian Andes, visit Machu Picchu, and visit Lima.

What are microplastics in the fashion industry?

Common fibers used in clothing are produced from petrochemicals and, as such, are classed as plastics. This means that these synthetic textiles release microplastic fibers into the environment.

What is sustainability?

Sustainability: “The quality of causing little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to continue for a long time.”  To us at Arms of Andes, environmental sustainability in fashion industry means not harming the environment in all stages of production including   

Women Artisans in the Peruvian Andes

Women who work with alpaca fiber hold a remarkable talent and knowledge in their hands. The richly-colored textiles seen in Cusco and the area are time-consuming labors of love by their makers. The city is sprinkled with local women selling traditional garments. But what’s going on behind the scenes?

Biodegradable vs. Compostable - What is the Difference?

Learn the difference between biodegradable and compostable waste and how we strive for sustainability.

Why You Should Wear Alpaca Wool Clothes For Ski Touring or Splitboard Touring

Find out why you should wear Arms of Andes alpaca baselayer or alpaca midlayer on your next ski tour or splitboard tour.

Clothing for Snowboarding & Skiing

Ever wondered if alpaca wool is good for the slopes? In this article, we explore why alpaca clothing is essential for skiing and snowboarding.

New Year, New You - Sustainable New Year's Resolutions

Instead of making big resolutions, choose a few of these small steps to help you towards your goal of living more sustainably.