Women's Alpaca Wool Mid Layers
The Best Mid Layer Sweaters in Warmth & Comfort
Women's Alpaca Wool Winter Jackets | Performance & Sustainability
Our mid layer fleece, made from soft 100% Royal Alpaca Wool, is breathable and light for packing. Ideal for winter outdoor adventures and activities, from skiing and snowboarding to strolling around the city. Our alpaca sweaters are designed for high-performance activities, keeping you warm with its insulating and temperature regulating properties. The fibers of alpaca wool are moisture-wicking and dry quickly ensuring you will stay comfortable and warm in extreme weather conditions. Mid layers can be worn with one or multiple layers under it for extra warmth and protection. Enjoy the outdoors with our wool mid layers made from ethically sourced and sustainable alpaca wool.
ウィメンズ アルパカ ウール フーディー ジャケット: 420 ミッドウェイト フルジップ
通常価格単価 あたり¥44,172セール価格 ¥44,172から -
ウィメンズ アルパカ ウール ジャケット: 420 ミッドウェイト フルジップ
通常価格単価 あたり¥42,536セール価格 ¥42,536から
ウィメンズ アルパカ ウール ウィンター ジャケット
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